Dukes Education: Transforming digital well-being in their schools

By Qoria Europe
Published 07 January, 2025
5 minute read

A little more about Dukes Education

Dukes Education is a leading group of independent schools across Europe, committed to educational excellence and the holistic development of their students. With a diverse network of institutions ranging from early education to university preparation, Dukes Education places its students at the heart of its pedagogical approach.

Its main mission is to provide personalized teaching that prioritizes holistic student development, fostering academic excellence, critical thinking, creativity, well-being, and preparation for a globalized future.

In this case study, we had the opportunity to speak with their Head of Digital Learning, James Haworth, who is responsible for developing balanced digital learning across the group.


Technology and Education: Shared Values

At Dukes Education, technology is not just a tool but a means to transform learning. The responsible and safe use of digital resources makes the difference, enhancing the experience for students, teachers, and leaders. These groups are able to leverage technology effectively in a variety of contexts. 

“When we use technology, we want to ensure it is balanced, safe and purposeful”

These are some of the values of their digital learning approach:

  • Collaboration as a driving force for change, promoting responsible use of technology to prepare students for new challenges.
  • Inclusive and accessible learning, where technology supports the individual needs of each student.
  • Critical thinking about technology, encouraging reflection on its use and impact, always prioritizing digital safety and digital citizenship.

This approach balances digital progress with the importance of human interaction, recognizing that a well-trained educational team is essential to guide and support students in an increasingly digital environment.

“Technology creates numerous learning opportunities and modes of expression, however, we must also consider its potential negative impacts and safeguarding implications. For this reason, we want our schools and families to have oversight of how learners use technology. Our multilayered filtering systems, with Qoria providing an essential layer of protection, are part of our safeguarding infrastructure.” 


Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Wellbeing

In a digitalized world, it is essential to balance the opportunities of technology with the challenges it poses for students, families, and educators. One of the biggest challenges Dukes has faced is ensuring a healthy balance between using digital tools and fostering students’ emotional, social, and academic development.

“We were looking for a solution to help schools, teachers, and families create better habits with the students, so as they grow up and as they progress throughout school and beyond, they're developing positive digital habits and they are finding a balance with how they're using technology in their lives.”

Ensuring students’ digital well-being involves managing screen time and addressing risks such as cyberbullying or access to inappropriate content. Families need tools to help them supervise technology use at home, while teachers require ongoing training to identify issues, promote responsible use, and guide students toward healthy digital habits. Dukes adopts a comprehensive approach that supports its entire educational community.

Dukes uses technology to enrich learning and promote a healthy digital environment. The Dukes digital strategy ensures students develop key skills, while digital citizenship initiatives help families and students adopt responsible technology habits. Teacher training turns digital challenges into opportunities for the entire educational community.

Technology - Dukes Education


Qoria as the solution

The main objective was to find a software solution that could enhance and complement their digital citizenship curriculum. The chosen tool had to be compatible with the school’s digital environment, a 1:1 model with Google Chromebooks. The solution chosen was Qoria, as it not only fit technically but also offered other benefits:

  • The ability to monitor and manage digital risks in real time with School Manager, directly helping protect students.
  • The opportunity to provide teachers with a more personalized and dynamic educational experience through Classwize, also giving them greater oversight.
  • The inclusion of families in the digital safety environment with Qustodio, a protection tool that extends beyond the classroom.

“We wanted an integrated solution that worked both inside and outside of school. Qoria achieved this by combining Classwize for the classroom and Qustodio for families, and they can both be managed from the School Manager, which, from an admin perspective, is very useful.”

Thanks to its personalized and collaborative approach, the Qoria team worked closely with Dukes Education to ensure a smooth implementation tailored to the unique needs of each school, reinforcing their shared commitment to digital wellbeing and educational excellence.


Results and Impact

Qoria has had a significant impact on Dukes Education, improving digital collaboration among all educational stakeholders: management teams, teachers, students, and families. The Dukes team highlights the ease of use and good support overall:

“We wanted something that was relatively easy to use, and we also needed good support. We had heard from other schools that Qoria’s support was excellent. We needed to know we could rely on this support at any time, and that has been the case from day one.”

The teaching staff have increased their confidence, becoming more independent in their classes and improving their educational practices – as Classwize allows them to create specific management rules per class and facilitate the administration of digital content shared at any time. Similarly, the school’s administrative and technical teams have seen the benefits of Qoria in action, enabling them to establish and manage safety rules quickly and efficiently.

Families have also experienced the direct benefits by being involved in the digital safety process. They have seen how it is possible to create a balanced digital environment at home. Ensuring a healthy digital educational experience goes beyond the classroom and requires direct collaboration from families who want the best for their children.

When discussing future steps in their digital wellbeing plans, James says:

“It’s an ongoing challenge, and Qoria is an important part of our solution, but it’s something we need to continue working towards because technology is evolving, and so our approach needs to evolve to match that evolution within technology and how young people are using it.”

In summary, Qoria has been a fundamental tool in transforming the learning experience at Dukes Education, fostering a safer and more collaborative educational environment. But at the same time, it also requires a commitment from all stakeholders to continue progressing at the same pace as technological advances. At Qoria, we take up the challenge.



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